BCF AcademyFarm animal learning

Benefits of bovine ultrasound for veterinarians and producers

At BCF we are determined to provide you with the best equipment to make your job easier. The Easi-Scan machine is an in house manufactured ultrasound that is a great tool for detecting pregnancy in the bovine industry. But did you know that there is a lot of other benefits?

It’s quite a long list but take a look at the different benefits that the nonintrusive machine has:

  • Early pregnancy detection compared to manual palpation (and greater accuracy)
  • Assessment of fetal viability (heartbeat)
  • Detection of ovarian activity, structures (e.g. follicles, corpora lutea, cysts etc.)
  • Detection of uterine pathology, e.g. endometritis, pyometra etc.
  • Fetal sexing
  • Non-reproductive uses, e.g. ‘lumps and bumps’ (haematoma vs. abscesses), udders & teats, eyes, musculoskeletal system, lungs, etc.
  • OPU
  • Fetal ageing (early and late gestation)
  • Twin diagnosis
  • Synchronisation for embryo transfer (N.B. see detection of ovarian activity)
  • Assessing embryonic/fetal loss
  • Increased speed (with experienced users)

All of these are benefits and can improve the way you operate in your business. Ultrasound is not just a tool it is something that can improve your workstyle. It can save you a lot of money if you know how to use it and take care of it. We hope we can help you find the right product and we do know how to get the most out of it. Let us help you with training and our knowledge provided on one of our free demos.

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