Listen to the Podcast – Contrast Radiography

From avoiding air embolisms during pneumocystograms to when gadolinium use to cause skin to resemble orange peel – This month we’re exploring all forms of contrast radiography and how it can enhance your diagnostic imaging. With special guest, Amanda Walsh, a human radiographer and contrast specialist, joining us to give an insight into the world of human contrast radiography.

Listen to the Podcast: Endoscopy with Dr. Mark Dunning

If you’re wanting to demystify endoscopy, then tune into this month’s episode as we talk with European and RCVS Internal Medicine Specialist, Professor Mark Dunning. We’ll be getting to the bottom of starting out with endoscopy from directing the scope to cleaning and facing those initial fears. Learn the tips for choosing the best retrieval instruments for the job as Mark reveals his most memorable foreign bodies.

Listen to the Podcast: Ocular Ultrasound

This month, the IMV imaging clinical team delve into the world of ocular ultrasonography. So if you’ve ever wondered how to image an eye, where to start, which way to hold the probe or what does the normal eye on ultrasound even look like, then listen in. We talk through the preparation, approach, and common clinical diseases affecting the globe.

Welcome to this month’s episode of Focal Point where we welcome Pete Lockwood to the podcast. Pete is a vet and is responsible for cardiac applications within IMV imaging. With this in mind we are discussing all things Doppler Ultrasound, from what it is to how we can apply it to our patients in practice. Whether you are starting to dip a toe in Doppler or are on course for shunt hunting, we break it down and decipher exactly what you need to know, with of course some doppler related fun thrown into the mix.

Listen to the Podcast – the new GE VScan Air

This month we delve into the world of wireless ultrasound machines, with a review of the GE VScan Air. With Harriet, Amy and Jack discussing how it’s held up in practice and out of the road. So if you’re considering adding this piece of kit to your practice, tune in and hear about all its fantastic features.

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