Mastitis and the use of ultrasound in practice
Our Bovine Vet and International Distribution Manager, Dr. Yolanda Trillo, has worked alongside O.Escobedo and L.Gill from the University of Zaragoza, Spain to develop our new clinical article on Mastitis and the use of ultrasound in practice.
The article focuses on searching for pathologies and their description through the use of ultrasound in three different cases of mammary infections, using a case control of a healthy udder.
Ultrasound is a technique that can be used as a complementary tool in order to diagnose udder infections or mammary gland pathologies such as mastitis, stenosis or stones. It is mainly used to detect issues of udder management, such as milking techniques or teat manipulation when changed in milk flows are observed.
Check out the article to learn more about how to identify different udder lesions and feel free to join the discussion on our Bovine Facebook group!
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