As good as new!
Reasons to refurb your Easi-Scan battery with IMV imaging
If the battery that powers your Easi-Scan ultrasound scanner isn’t holding it’s charge or lasting as long as it used to, buying a new battery or scanner isn’t your only option. At IMV imaging want you to get the most out of your imaging equipment and our Easi-Scan battery refurbishment service is one of the ways in which we can help you to prolong the life of your investment.
Our Service Engineers follow a specific and thorough process to refurbish an Easi-Scan battery to ensure that the battery that we send back to you is (almost) as good as new! Each stage of the process relates to checking and or replacing important components of the battery to make sure that the battery not only performs to the best of it’s ability but also that it is safe to use.
We are aware of other companies offering battery refurbishment services and would advise customers to consider carefully what is included in these services and whether the batteries will still be fully safe to use. If Easi-Scan batteries are repaired by anyone other than IMV imaging or an authorized repair center the warranty for that scanner would subsequently be void.
We strongly advise customers to have their batteries refurbished by us at IMV imaging and believe our customers should know just what work goes into refurbishing their Easi-Scan battery to enable them to make an informed decision on choosing their service provider. We have detailed the key parts of our battery refurbishment process below:
Gasket Replacement
The gasket of the Easi-Scan battery casing plays an important role in sealing both halves of the plastic casing together to prevent water coming in contact with the internal battery cells. These gaskets are intended for single use, and as part of our refurbishment process, we replace this gasket to ensure that the seal around the casing is air-tight once again. If the gasket is not replaced, there is increased risk of water getting into the battery which causes potential health and safety issues if this battery was then placed and left on charge.
(Example image: compressed gasket on used Easi-Scan battery before replacement.)
Plastic Housing Checked and Replaced
During the process of opening and resealing the battery, the plastic housing of the unit can crack (that’s just how good the seal we create at IMV imaging is!). If this occurs, it isn’t possible for the unit to seal properly to the gasket again and as a result the yellow clips used to hold the unit together are not fully secure and will become looser over time.
Example image of cracked casing
During an IMV imaging battery refurbishment, we replace not only the plastic housing if cracked but we also replace the yellow clips on the unit, which along with the new gasket fitting ensures the best possible sealing of the unit.
Void Labels and Screws
(example image of old void label and screw)
Another key part of our process is replacing void labels for new as the old ones must be removed to allow access to the scanner.
We also replace all screws on the battery unit which again reinforces the unit being sealed tightly together and prevents water coming into contact with the battery cells.
PCB Verification Testing
This part of the process may not be “visible” on the battery unit but is one of the most important steps in proper refurbishment of the battery.
This test involves a full functional test for PCB verification. During this the software is reloaded, and correct operation of the charging and discharge circuits are fully functionally tested thus ensuring correct operation of the software that controls the charge/discharge of the battery. In addition, current leak tests are carried out to check circuit integrity and prevent the battery draining itself due to abnormal draw on the cells when the system is not in use. Other tests include functional load tests and a “Charge, discharge and charge” test.
Any PCB that fails any of the tests as part of our verification process are discarded appropriately and replaced.
Although this may seem like a small thing, we give your batteries a good clean on the outer casing and PCB battery connector contacts to ensure there is no dirt or debris present that could interfere with successful connection. The images below provide an example of a battery that hasn’t been cleaned and in this case you can notice that one pin on the connecter contact area is corroded/ oxidised which may cause connection issues.
As mentioned above, although other companies may offer a battery refurbishment service for Easi-Scan batteries, we urge our customers to be cautious and aware of what exactly is included in these offerings. We advise our customers to have their Easi-Scan batteries refurbished by our qualified and experienced Service Engineers for peace of mind that the battery is not only in optimum working condition but that is has been fully refurbished and tested and is safe to use.
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