Giovanni Gnemmi - Webinar Series

Tue Jun 15 2021

Following the huge success of our last webinar with Giovanni Gnemmi, we are delighted to present the next webinar in the series. 

Free Bovine Webinar

Uterus Ultrasound will be hosted for free on the 30th of June at 8pm BST and you can sign up using the below link;



Ultrasonographic diagnosis of uterine physio-pathology is crucial, considering that an excellent palpator has a margin of error in this area of 70-80%. Ultrasonography allows us to confirm chronic clinical inflammations of the uterus and to make an otherwise complex diagnosis of chronic sub-clinical inflammations. All this in real time, directly at the barn. But in order to be able to diagnose pathologies, we must be able to recognise what is physiological: identification of the estrous phase and understanding the timing of each estrous phase is useful and requires assessment of the follicular map, but also careful ultrasound assessment of the uterus. Ultrasonography offers us the possibility of establishing in which moment of the cycle we are, a precise, rapid assessment that we can carry out at any time. All this is also possible with a portable ultrasound unit. In this webinar, Giovanni will explain how to do this, to make our work really efficient and useful for your clients.  

Is an early pregnancy check enough or should pregnancy be reconfirmed?

Last month, Giovanni hosted a webinar for us on early pregnancy diagnosis. We were delighted with the amount of people who did watch it and we hope you all learned something new. For those that missed it, we don’t have the webinar available to download. However, we do have an article on the same topic that is free for you to download from the learning sections on our website;


Free Download

Next in the series

Make sure you sign up for the webinar on the 30th of June and keep your eyes peeled for the third one in the series coming soon…

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