Why it's the right time to move to Digital Radiography (DR)

Tue Jun 27 2023

This month our Account Manager Q&A session is with Claire-Louise Townsend, our Account Manager for Scotland!

Q. What is Digital Radiography and how does it differ from CR?  

A. In veterinary practice, there are many abbreviations used day-to-day and this too is the case when referring to x-ray systems, where you might come across terms such as CR and DR. Both are quite commonly referred to but if no one has told you what they are, it can sometimes just be a nod of, “Oh yes I know what you mean,” but really all you see is two letters thrown together! Fret not, we at IMV are great at demystifying abbreviations, explaining what the equipment does and discovering if it’s the right fit for you, so let’s keep it simple… 

There are two main types of X-ray technology that can help create the image that appears on the screen; CR and DR.  

Digital Radiography is the capture of an X-ray exposure electronically. The X-ray exposure is retained in a system that converts it into a digital signal, which then appears almost instantly on a computer screen for the vet to assess and make a diagnosis.  

Computed Radiography is an older system that uses photo-stimulated luminescence to store the X-ray exposure into a latent image (the cassette), that is then digitized through the manual procedure of processing the cassette for the latent image to then be brought up on a PC screen.  

When CR radiography was first introduced to the veterinary world, it revolutionised veterinary X-ray work. Providing a much faster way of obtaining X-ray images. Gone were the days of standing in dark rooms with ink and developer waiting what seemed like a lifetime for the images to appear. However, it didn’t take long for technology to advance once again and push boundaries with the innovation of DR X-ray. This technology and the systems that use it can produce an X-ray image for viewing in a matter of seconds. So once again it appears that gone are the days of standing by your developer, twiddling your thumbs waiting for your cassette to process and an image to appear on your screen! DR takes away that wait time and just like magic, your image is there on your screen before you can say,Wingardium Leviosa”! 

Q. What are the benefits to investing in Digital Radiography?  

A. Apart from the clear time saving element and the potential thrill of trying to guess how many seconds it may take for your image to appear on the screen, listed below are just some of the many benefits. I would say these benefits are the top 10:  

  1. Time saving and improved patient care
  2. Consistently high-quality images
  3. Repeat X-ray projections with less stress
  4. Smarter image sharing
  5. Remove on-going costs
  6. Higher dose efficiency
  7. Save space in practice
  8. Vastly improves equine ambulatory X-rays
  9. Gain and retain staff
  10. Enjoy taking X-rays again

Those of you who still have CR systems in place will be acutely aware of how much space the developer takes up and of course, how heavy it is, such that you may need to have a reinforced wall just to hold its weight! DR takes that extra space requirement away. By only being a slimline panel that will live in a bucky tray (ideally) or a protective case, leaving you with more working space. Also, the image quality of DR systems far exceeds that of CR, with most DR panels offering in-built 100-140 microns, meaning the resolution of your image is sharper and more defined.  

Q. Is Digital Radiography suitable for all veterinary environments?  

A. Absolutely! Along with the top 10 benefits already listed. The big feature of DR is the ability to be completely portable, which means it is much better suited to mixed animal and equine veterinary practice.  

If you are a vet working in mixed practice and have a small animal X-ray case load of 80% to an equine 20% but wish to grow your equine X-ray caseload, DR will allow this (with good forward planning, of course, that the panel isn’t needed in two places at once). For example, in the morning you could have your 14×17 panel snuggled up in its bucky tray. Working its magic for a canine flexed mediolateral elbow view. Then after lunch it can be taken out, with a fully charged battery. Safe in its protective case to an equine yard. Our DR panels connect to a laptop/tablet through WiFi. So once an X-ray is fired onto the panel, through the wonders of the self-generated WiFi connection. The image will appear in a matter of seconds. No need to worry about the risk of cables being around a horse. Or the struggle to find a mains connection on the yard or farm.  DR takes away that extra planning and will fill you with confidence that you have the equipment you need to diagnosis efficiently.  


Q. What DR options can I choose from in the IMV portfolio?  

A. We have DR systems to suit small animal, equine or mixed practices, which come with the choice of 3 different panel sizes; 10×12”, 14×7” and 17×7”. We at IMV imaging are the dedicated distributors of Carestream and Cuattro DR systems. Check out the links to head straight to the product summaries. Finally, and perhaps most recently. We have acquired Veterinary Solutions to become a part of the IMV imaging family. Check out the latest generation of DR X-Ray with slim and agile panel detectors, innovative acquisition software, and the capability to fully integrate your outstanding images into a truly connected imaging storage and distribution architecture. 


Q. How will DR make a difference in practice, and will it help vets/nurses?  

A. We have touched on the many benefits of DR already. And the main reason DR will make a difference in day-to-day veterinary practice is the time saving opportunity it provides. We all know “time” is a mystical beast that never tends to stay with us in veterinary practice. And with growing caseloads, staff shortages and clients adding more furry family members. At times it seems impossible to get everything done in one day. With DR in place, and its proven ability to create images in less than 3 seconds. Nurses and vets can efficiently work through their ops list without having to wait for a cassette to process. Instead, they can already be positioning the animal for the next series of shots. Therefore reducing the potential of patients needing longer sedations and minimising the time taken to get through the X-ray list effectively.  

One comment has stayed with me that was made to me by a Clinical Director, when I was discussing the benefits of DR and why it would be advantageous to this referral hospital whose daily X-ray case load can supersede 40 patients a day. He said that he wanted to achieve a better working environment for his nurses. He was set on the goal of having his nurses get the chance to have that cup of tea. Or that extra “mental breather” we never have time for because of the pressures of working in veterinary practice. Especially at such a busy referral hospital. Truthfully, that made me love my job that little bit more to know that I could provide him with a solution to help make his dream a reality.  


Q. What is my return on investment should I invest in DR?

A. What a great question and one I get asked a lot when discussing the price of DR! The price point of DR has come down significantly since it was first introduced. It is absolutely more affordable than it once was . But investing in equipment is still a big decision. And one that needs to be right for you, and your veterinary practice. From the practices I have spoken to, both independent and corporate, the cost of X-rays to clients can vary from £150 to £500, depending on how many views are needed and if X-rays are planned for both pre and post-op.  

Head over to our Return on Investment Calculator where you can select your desired DR panel, plug in your average number of studies per month versus the average charge per study, and the calculator will crunch those numbers for you to bring up how many months/studies it will take to pay back on your investment.  

For example, take the Carestream FOCUS 17×17” Small Animal Package, priced at £21,995+VAT. If you perform an average of 5 X-ray studies a week/20 studies a month, and you charge £200 for each study – it will take you 5 months, or 100 studies, to pay back on that investment…not as long as you may think!  


Q. Who should I speak to if I want to know more about DR and if it is the right choice for my practice? 

A. If you are in Scotland or part of the NE postcode, I’m the person to help you, but if you are farther from the bonnie hills of Scotland then take a look at our Account Managers Map or visit our Meet The Team page.  Here you will find your Regional AM who would be more than happy to start a conversation about DR and how we at IMV are the solution to all your imaging needs.  


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