Small Animal X-ray - Everything You Need to Know
Small animal X-ray is a key component in the investigation and diagnosis of a multitude of conditions affecting dogs, cats, and other species. Whether you are just starting out in small animal practice and want to understand the fundamental principles of radiography, or are more experienced and are looking to advance your radiography interpretation and skills, IMV imaging has many resources to help.

Getting Started
With a wide range of radiography equipment available, it is important to understand the principles that underpin the systems and controls.
From X-ray physics, to the differences in radiography system types, and how to choose a system, we have a range of articles, posters and videos to guide you.
What is the difference between Computed (CR) and Direct Digital Radiography (DR)?
If you are considering buying a small animal radiography system but don’t know where to start, then learning the difference between Computed Radiography (CR) and Direct Digital Radiography (DR) is the first step. Direct Digital Radiography (DR) offers many advantages in general practice through its increased speed of image acquisition. Similarly, if you are looking to upgrade from CR to DR, IMV imaging can discuss the advantages of the systems with you and talk you through what will work for your practice.
What else do I need to consider when buying an X-ray machine?
Along with the processor, don’t forget to consider your X-ray generator, plates, exposure charts (for both CR (80cm & 100cm) and DR (80cm & 100cm) systems) and patient positioning prior to acquiring your radiograph.
How are X-ray images stored?
It is also important to think about image management when purchasing or upgrading radiography equipment. Do you want to incorporate a PACS system or transfer your images from your old CR system to a new DR system?
How do I create an X-ray room?
When designing a radiography suite, staff safety must also be taken into account with personal protection equipment (PPE) and X-ray dose badges being worn. Again, IMV imaging can provide all the information you need to get started.
What different types of X-ray generators are available?

Having Trouble?
If you are having any problems with your ultrasound machine, IMV imaging is here to support you. Whether you need help with image optimisation, kit replacement or essential maintenance; our Account management, Clinical and Service teams are ready to assist you.
Want to learn more about small animal X-ray?
In addition to our IMV Academy online and in-person CPD courses, IMV imaging have a library of learning resources to develop your skills. There are journal clubs, webinars and podcasts on a range of ultrasound-related topics, but if you are looking for information on a specific anatomical region, then check out our list of guides and articles below: